Point toward the next steps on your journey
With a passion and zeal for the lost and hurting world, our church is looking for ways to build bridges to a cynical and jaded society. We aim to take a different approach in reaching out and helping people along the journey.It’s very important to believe that you’re the one. We aim to take a different approach in reaching out and helping people along the journey. We stress cultural relevancy and utilize all medias and means to communicate the church message. It’s very important to believe that you’re the one.
A place where a person with no church background can come and feel comfortable and enjoy the service because the atmosphere will be friendly.
Our mission statement can be summed up in one word: reach. We reach up through worship, serve God by serving each other to bless.
We aim to take a different approach in reaching out and helping people along the journey. We stress cultural relevancy and utilize all medias.
Welcome to fellowship church of Remittal. It is a real joy for us to meet newcomers and to tell you about all the good things God is doing in our church family. Check out the many ministries offered at Remittal church and get involved! men, women and children. Also find out about Small Groups. Watch all our sermons online and check back for more media resources. Watch, listen or even download them. Don’t miss any of them.
La Iglesia ora lo que cree, y para este primer día del año civil ha...
Read MoreEpifanía es una palabra que proviene del griego y significa ‘manifestación’. Se refiere a que...
Read MoreAl pueblo de Israel le había sido profetizado que Dios enviaría a su Mesías, a...
Read MoreLa Iglesia ora lo que cree, y para este primer día del año civil ha determinado que celebremos a la santísima Virgen María como la Madre de Dios. ✶ Ella llevó en su seno virginal...
Epifanía es una palabra que proviene del griego y significa ‘manifestación’. Se refiere a que el único Dios verdadero se manifestó a personas que representaban a los pueblos distintos al de Israel: los magos de...
Al pueblo de Israel le había sido profetizado que Dios enviaría a su Mesías, a su Ungido, para liberar al pueblo de todos sus males. ❖ En la época de Jesús, y motivados principalmente por...